Tom Cuba

Growing Up: A Story for Children of Any Age

 ~ Tom Cuba

In a world of killer video games, racy television, and failing standards of self-discipline, Growing Up comes as a breath of fresh air.

The Dancer in the cover illustration is central to the theme of Tom’s first book. The Dancer in the Road dances in, around, and on the lies that are his life: The lies that control him like puppet strings. Tom uses the fantasy-based adventures of a wise old man known only as the Earth Warrior to demonstrate why lies, selfishness, greed, and other negative human traits are to be conquered while positive traits are to be nurtured.

Tom's friend, Sebastian, says that: “Success is building the person you are happy to die as.”

In Growing Up, Tom shows us where to find the building material.

Printed copies may be ordered from Barnes and Noble

Preview All Titles Now ~ Thomas R. Cuba

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